Beckerle Rebrand
The main objective of this project was to develop a cohesive brand system for an existing business by using comprehensive research to develop a messaging strategy and good design practices to communicate those messages in an aesthetic way. The final product consists of a brand book that communicates the new brand identity as well as the collateral that was developed.
Beckerle is a lumber and hardware supplier in Rockland County, New York. I chose this business because it’s located where I grew up so I had some familiarity with the company. My research consisted of interviewing residents, Beckerle employees, and tradesman in the area. This gave me insight into the business, their competitors and pain points that could be solved through effective branding.
Student Work
Temple University
Instructor: Rodd Whitney
Tools: Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe XD, InDesign

For the logo I went with a more type driven mark given that the old logos tree competed with its type and created unusual negative space. The border around the type resembles a 4X6 wooden board visually alluding to lumber like the tree did. Font choice and texture communicates a more home grown feel differentiating it from more corporate competitors like Lowes and ACE Hardware. Lastly I softened the colors to eliminate the vibrating effect the original logo has.